Associate Professor Alan Go has 25+ years of experience in senior management roles, including Regional Marketing and Sales Director, Managing Director, COO, and CEO. He advises on education quality assurance, school merger & acquisition, and school operational processes. Alan is a dedicated member of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) organizing committee, focused on enhancing higher education quality in the region. He is appointed Associate Professor with Xijing Universuity, Xi’an China and served as Director Academic Quality and Research with ERC Insitite. A mentor to numerous young adults and executives, he fosters management and leadership skills using entrepreneurial, design, and critical thinking approaches. Alan’s expertise extends to teaching at the Bachelor and Masters levels, as well as conducting corporate training. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (with distinction) in Journalism (Advertising) from the University of Oklahoma, a Master of Business Administration (International Business) from Edith Cowan University (top 15% of his cohort), and is currently pursuing a doctoral degree at Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM University) in Spain.
Yen has a proven track record in various key business development & marketing roles involving evolution and change management. Her pilot roles in various media organisations of Cable TV (Singapore Cable Vision), Regional TV (MTV), Internet Advertising (China.com) and Digital Music (Soundbuzz & Motorola) at their nascent stages is a testimonial of her experience and expertise of driving businesses whilst embracing new technology. Her acumen and passion are evidenced in multiple “first to market” products and projects she has been involved in cutting across from media to digital products. Always pushing the concept of creative solutionism while building strong relationships with customers has translated to dynamic growth for the various companies. Being an ardent believer in change management to stay on top of ever changing economies, her current role as Chief Executive Officer of ERC Institute sees interesting forays leveraged on her experience.
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